Milwaukee Electronics' Singapore IPO (International Purchasing Office) was established in 2011 with the mission to expand the supply chain capabilities Milwaukee Electronics offers middle and high volume electronic manufacturing customers. Our Singapore office is integrated with all Milwaukee Electronics manufacturing locations and has a range of sourcing, procurement, purchasing and supply chain management capabilities.

Singapore's location offers Milwaukee Electronics a strategic advantage in tapping the low-cost Asia markets from India to China in one convenient location. The commodities sourced support both electronic assembly and mechanical box build activities. Products we source include:

  • Discrete electronic components
  • Active electronic components
  • Cable assemblies and connectors
  • Sheet metal and box build
  • Precision machined parts
  • Castings: metal and plastic
  • Other custom materials

Singapore’s environment of strong intellectual property (IP) protection, well-developed electronics manufacturing services (EMS) support infrastructure and ethical business culture are added advantages. Furthermore, Singapore's strategic location in SE Asia gives Milwaukee Electronics the opportunity to take advantage of the low cost regions of SE Asia, while maintaining a robust and reliable supply chain.